17th Internation Zebrafish Conference in Montreal, Canada


It was a great pleasure for Viviana and Nadine to participate in the 17th International Zebrafish Conference (IZFC) 2022, which took place from 22.06. - 26.06.2022 in Montreal, Canada. Especially the sessions on "Zebrafish: From disease modeling to therapeutics", "Blood and Lymphatic Systems, Hematopoiesis, Vascular Biology" and "Cardiac, Craniofacial and Musculoskeletal Systems" were attended with great interest.

Particularly remarkable is the contribution of Viviana Vedder, who has made a special effort for the Sustainability Session. For instance, she chaired a session, gave a talk, and also organized her first workshop, which was followed by a panel discussion she was a part of.

Viviana and Nadine presented their research in the second poster session and enjoyed the scientific exchange and collaborations that resulted from the presentations.


We especially enjoyed the conference, meeting fellow scientists and getting new ideas. We are really grateful that we had the opportunity to participate in this conference and are looking forward to the next zebrafish conference in Krakow, Poland.


