Stem Cells in Heidelberg

From last Tuesday to Friday we attended the 6th Annual Conference of the Germn Stem Cell Network (GSCN), this year taking place in Heidelberg.
We arrived on Tuesday night in a fairly warm and humid environment, that made us feel like summer again. After check-in at the Hotel we went to town for dinner. Due to te warm weather we had a lovely walk around the old city of Heidelberg.
On Wednesday we started early for our first day of conference located at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) at the University Campus. We had 3 days of very fascinating and inspiring talks about stem cell research in cancer, cardiovascular, neuronal and developmental fields.

On Thursday, Franziska and me presented our posters, but were a little disappointed as we had very few visitors. Nevertheless, we had nice discussions and were able to present our work properly. We further enjoyed the nice weather during the breaks that we could spent outside, and had one or two lovely discussions with old friends and collaborators in the shade.

Friday we were even able to take a small tour to the Heidelberg castle, climbing up around 300 stairs. Therefore, we did somethng for our cardio-training ;)

We really enjoyed the conference and are looking forward go to Berlin next year.

