Feature in Cardiopulse from European Heart Journal

I´m pleased and thankful that Prof. Thomas Lüscher from EHJ invited me to have a feature in Cardiopulse about my personal story published last Thursday. 

The story is about my scientific work but more important about my Collagen-6 myopathy that was not diagnosed until age 45. The article describes, among others, how I finally made the diagnosis using Google and Exome-sequencing by myself.

For those who are interested here is the link to the article.

By coincidence, I was invited to give a talk about my personal story on the very same day in Hannover at the Opening Session at the DIGAB congress

Some impressions can be found here.

Prof. Schönhofer, whom I know as a patient for almost 25 years, invited me. It was a very special talk - I will never forget.
