Stemcells meet Jena

Last week, Beatrice, Alexandra and I attended the 5th annual conference of the GSCN held in Jena. After arriving on Monday at noon, we set up our posters and prepared for our poster presentation, followed by a get-together with panoramic view across the campus.
During the next 2 days, we heard very interesting talks from research groups from all across the world, listening to experiences we have made ourselves during our work. We further enjoyed the Industry sessions listening and talking to stem cell industry partners about things such as oxygen supply and differentiation kits. As a special occasion, this years networking evening was held in Jenas famous old "Volksbad". What a fun night.

After the Conference was finished we even had some time, and beautiful weather, to explore the city of Jena. We came back with our heads full of new ideas and encouraged for upcoming experiments  in our home-lab.

