Uni im Dialog - two winners from the IIEG

It is a tradition at the University of Lübeck that every year PhD students present their work to the public in the University Church St. Petri. This year 7 students represented our institute with 8 Posters: Undine, Caro, Felix, Anja (2 Posters) and Beatrice from the Wet-Lab group, and Michaela and Matthias from the Bioinformatics group.
This year was special because the event "Uni im Dialog" was also opened for Master students and this is why Undine could also participate. 

Altogether 55 students from the University contributed to this event and presented to the public their research work.
Krishan, Zouhair, and Stephie (as photographer ;-)) supported our PhD and master students.

One of the challenging tasks is to make the scientific work understandable to the public especially to scholars without any basic knowledge about the subject, because these scholars are also member of the jury and contribute potentially to the decision of the best poster. During the exhibition the jury members visit each poster and every master or PhD student has to introduce his work in 3 minutes followed by a discussion. The criteria for being awarded one of the five poster prizes are: linguistic clarity, transparency of the presented statements, technical accuracy and structure, visualization of the content as well as the originality and the overall impression of the poster.
We were very proud and happy that members of the IIEG were announced two times among the winners: Undine and Caro won the "Uni im Dialog" poster prize.

Congratulation to Caro and Undine and thanks to all the others for their contribution and help with the posters.

