Hello from UVA, Virginia

Its unbelievable how time is running. It's almost one month now that I'm here in Virginia.
After the Snowzilla IIEG Blog contribution, painful vaccination, and endless courses, we are happy that we finally started working in the lab with enthusiasm.
I want to share with you some news about our growing "Baby-Lab" and also introduce you to my old and new colleagues:

Most of you already know Jana from the group in Munich. She is visiting us for a collaborative project until the end of March. As you can see she is working hard with always a nice smile.

Jameson our super lab manager. As he always tells me: "easy peazy lemon squeezy"
Lab before
Lab after

And finally, Mete reading a paper in his office.

Keep reading the IIEG blog, in order to hear more about us.


  1. so cool. But there one picture missing, the one where you are in the lab...


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