Setting the high score

We are all very happy that Redouane is back from Morocco, where he very successfully defended his PhD thesis.
To welcome him back and to celebrate this very important step in his (scientific) life, we organized a barbecue on Wednesday. 
But, before getting to the fun part, he needed to pass our newly established "IIEG PhD challenge". 

The first challenge was to fill a box with pipette tips. This sounds very easy - but if you do it with woolen gloves it is really challenging, even more when the clock is ticking and a bunch of people is looking at you. However, he passed this challenge!

The second challenge was to throw "eppies" in given boxes. As you can see on the next pic Redouane presented a very elegant way to throw the eppies and in the end he passed this challenge too.

The last challenge was a lab-version of "Battle ships", only in this case, the whole institute 'played', and not against, but cooperated with Redouane.
In a 96 Well Plate, a message was hidden, and by adding a magical solution into the wells, it would reveal itself. 
The points collected in the first two games defined how many wells the institute members could tell Redouane, and he had to figure out the rest of the message to prove worthy of his newly achieved title. :)

All in all Redouane did it really well - setting a pretty high-score for our next PhD candidate (@Jaafar: you should start practicing).

As a reward he got a doctoral cap. After this challenging afternoon we started our barbecue and Redouane proved to be as good as in the lab at the barbecue itself.

Again, congratulations to Redouane!
