The day before yesterday, on Monday to be more precise, we had the big IIEG Christmas baking event. We grouped into five teams, each of them preparing one or two recipes. The strategy was that, even if some cookies got burned, we would still have enough for everyone.
We met at the la
Cucina, a local cafe that also rents out its kitchen. The two ovens of
la Cucina were in use the whole evening. We made butter cookies,
chocolate cookies, honey cookies, short pastry, the famous
german Stollen and and and...
Stollen made by Mariana, Krishan and Jeanette |
In addition, we also made some roasted sugar almonds. They were fantastic and we ate thousands of them. However, there is a limit to how much almonds you can eat, so we still have a lot left. After hours of baking, we left the La Cucina kitchen with several boxes of cookies and an increased risk for CAD.
Tons of cookies |
Good thing for our health that we don't do this more often. But having said that, we would actually like to do this every week.
Big boss also helping (Stollen) |
The cookies, almonds and Stollen are now here in the IIEG kitchen and
are shared with all our friends that come visiting us. So if you have
not had any yet, come by soon and get your share. (And be fast, they are
probably all gone before the next Christmas party on Monday).
MK and IB
It was a really cool evening :D