Syndromtag 2014 in Lübeck

Today I was invited to give a talk at the Syndromtag 2014 held in Lübeck and organized by long-term and very close collaborator Frank and his colleague Prof. Gillessen-Kaessbach.

On a very short notice we decided to change the topic of my talk. Initially, I was announced to talk about BMP-signalling and congenital heart disease. Overall a very interesting story and you will here more about it in the next couple of months.
However, as it turned out, our current data is not that resilient at the moment, we need to increase the numbers of samples to make the story complete and reliable. Hence, together with Frank, we decided that I should better talk about "Genetics of CAD - Update 2014".

Talking about a complex disease was not the main focus of the meeting, however, I hope it was interesting enough for the audience, a mix of human and clinical geneticists with a focus on rare syndromes.

Altogether, the meeting was highly interesting. I learnt a lot about complicated phenotype-genotype correlations and the problems to figure out the correct diagnosis for all these different, but sometimes overlapping, syndromes. 

Congratulations and many thanks to Frank and Gabriele Gillessen-Kaessbach for organizing such an exiting and informative meeting. 
