The Vice President and the President of the University of Lübeck welcome the Prime Minister. |
Thorsten Albig started his "Sommertour" (summer tour) at our Institutes. He wanted to learn more about our research projects in general and iPS-HL specifically.
We first started with short presentations about the IIEG and ING. He was very interested and he asked a lot of questions about how our research will actually help patients. Unfortunately, for cardiovascular diseases there is still a gap between identification of mutations and therapy, however, in the field of rare neurodegenerative disorders there are already examples of therapies following the identification of a genetic variant.
During the presentations given by Christine Klein and myself. |
President of the University, Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Head of TZL, Christine Klein and myself. |
Next, Thorsten Albig wanted to actually visit our labs and we showed him some cells under the microscope. It is always very impressing to see beating cardiomyocytes in a petri dish under a microscope. And it worked again.....
Thorsten Albig looking for cells (picture taking from
Olaf Malzahn)
Afterwards, he talked to some Institute members about their work.
And in the end, with almost 30 minutes behind his schedule, he gave a short interview for the local media.
The visit is covered by press and TV, if you are interested you can find the links below.
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